dry cleaners canberra dry cleaners best kingston dry cleaners top cat dry cleaners
MONDAY to FRIDAY 7:00AM - 6:30PM
SATURDAY 8:00AM - 6:00PM
SUNDAY 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Email: info@topcatdrycleaner.com
Phone: 02 6175 5788 or 0410 835 358
first in Australia to introduce eco-friendly
My Dry Cleaning
Top Cat has launched its latest convenience. We call it 'my dry cleaning', your online gateway to manage your cleaning. Keeping a track of your cleaning has never been easier. Through our secure portal you can.
*Check if you have cleaning in the store.
* View your current and past orders.
* Track the status of your orders.
* View and email your order history.
* Send us feedback and much more
To begin click on the "CHECK MY DRYCLEANING"
link below, it is also found on the top right hand corner of our header.
You will be asked to enter your phone number and password. Please enter the phone number you would give to our customer service representative, when dropping off your cleaning. The default password is your surname.
Once logged in you will be asked to select your own password . It's that easy and remember to tick the remember password box so you remain logged in. If you forget your password please call us and we will reset it.