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                Safe cleaning guarantee



You can trust Top Cat dry cleaner to safely handle your garments.  

We offer a safe cleaning guarantee on all garments we process. 

This is our commitment to you to process your garments safely. If in our opinion  stain removal will compromise the safety of your garment then our stain removal efforts will cease while we outline the risks involved in proceeding further with our stain removal techniques and seek your verbal approval . 


You will normally first be alerted to us seeking  approval to attempt further stain removal when a ticket has been placed on your garment. If you do receive a safe cleaning guarantee ticket please take the time to read it so you can better understand the risks involved in getting your garment right.


Whilst we make every possible effort to process garments within the prescribed time-frame, if garments can be improved we will hold them over to carry out the required work unless we have been instructed otherwise.

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